Social care professions – training course approval application See explanation of the designation of:



Information on issuing approval for a training course leading to qualification to practise a social care profession

General information Explanation of this section

Training courses for qualification as a home help, a specialised social care worker (Fach-Sozialbetreuer/-in) or a certificated social care worker (Diplom-Sozialbetreuer/-in) may only be conducted if the legal entity responsible for the training establishment possesses the requisite training course approval.

Requirements Explanation of this section

1) availability of the premises and learning resources required for the conduct of theoretical training;

2) availability of the requisite number of suitably qualified instructors and specialists for the conduct of theoretical training;

3) availability of the requisite number of practical training placements in suitable establishments with the required number of suitably qualified specialists;

4) availability of training curricula with the content prescribed by the Social Care Professions (Tyrol) Act (Tiroler Sozialbetreuungsberufegesetz) and by the Tyrolean Training Ordinance for Social Care Professions (Tiroler Sozialbetreuungsberufe-Ausbildungsverordnung); and

5) possession or simultaneous issuing of the approval required under the federal health regulations for the conduct of integrated training (the training module entitled Unterstützung bei der Basisversorgung (‘Assistance with basic needs’) and/or training in care assistance).


·        Special provisions applying to schools for social care professions are laid down in section 27 of the Social Care Professions (Tyrol) Act.

·        If the legal entity responsible for the training establishment does not yet possess the approval required under the federal health regulations for the conduct of integrated training, the application for this approval is to be made at the same time as the application for approval of the training course.

·        The training course approval is deemed to be conditional upon the legal validity of the approval required under the federal health regulations and, where the latter is valid for a fixed period, is issued for the same limited period.

Deadlines Explanation of this section


Please note, the training course cannot be conducted until the approval has taken legal effect.

Processing time

The competent authority is required to decide, by means of a written notice of decision, on a complete application without undue delay, but within 6 months at the latest.

Procedure Explanation of this section

Application in writing, including presentation of required documentation and evidence; verification that the requirements have been met; notice of decision.

Required documents Explanation of this section

Indication of the planned location of the training establishment; list of the training courses to be offered; specification of the documentation and evidence required to meet the conditions of approval described above under the heading ‘Requirements’.

Please note the special provision in section 27 of the Social Care Professions (Tyrol) Act (see ‘Requirements’ above).

Type and format of evidence to be provided

The documents (copies) may be submitted electronically. More information regarding legally valid submissions can be found at Bekanntmachungen zum rechtswirksamen Einbringen und dessen technischen Voraussetzungen (Notices on legally valid submissions and technical requirements).

Costs Explanation of this section

Under the Fees and Duties Act (Gebührengesetz) 1957:

Application: EUR 14.30

Annexes: EUR 3.90 per sheet, up to a maximum of EUR 21.80 per annex

Reduced fees for applications made electronically by means of a citizen card: Submission fee: EUR 8.60; annexes: from EUR 2.30 up to a maximum of EUR 13.10

Under the Provincial Administrative Charges Ordinance (Landes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung) 2007:

Approval: EUR 15.00

Under the Federal Administrative Charges Ordinance (Bundes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung) 1983:

Approval: EUR 6.50

The charges incurred can be paid electronically by bank transfer once the decision has been sent.


Competent authority Explanation of this section

Go to form Explanation of this section


Authentification and signature

The application does not have to be signed electronically – using a mobile phone signature (Handy-Signatur) or E-ID – or by hand. In the event of doubt as to identity or authenticity, the authority may require evidence to be produced.

Legal basis Explanation of this section

Tiroler Sozialbetreuungsberufegesetz (Tyrolean Social Care Professions Act)

Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz 1991 (General Administrative Procedure Act 1991)

Gebührengesetz 1957 (Fees Act 1957)

Bundesverwaltungsabgabenverordnung 1983 (Federal Administrative Charges Regulation 1983)


2007 (Provincial Administrative Charges Ordinance 2007)

Legal remedies

Appeals against the decision notice may be lodged before the Regional Administrative Court. The appeal must specify the contested decision and the authority that issued it. It must contain a request and set out the grounds on which the allegation of illegality is based. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the authority that issued the decision within 4 weeks of notification of this decision, and must contain information that makes it possible to assess its timeliness. The authority may issue a preliminary appeal decision. The appeal may be filed electronically: Beschwerde im Verwaltungsverfahren (Appeals in administrative proceedings).

If the administrative authority fails to make a decision within 4 months, you have the option of filing a complaint before the Regional Administrative Court regarding the delay. This must be filed with the defaulting authority. The complaint must specify that authority, set out a specific request and demonstrate that the authority’s time limit for making a decision has expired.

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