Emergency plans for residential care facilities and hospitals See explanation of the designation of:



The director of a residential care facilities and the chief administrator of a hospital are each required to draw up an emergency plan.

General information Explanation of this section

The director of a residential care facilities and the chief administrator of a hospital are required to draw up an emergency plan as a basis for the preparation and implementation of measures to avert and deal with disasters that might affect the building or complex.

Requirements Explanation of this section

1 Emergency plans must include a description of the circumstances relevant to disaster prevention and management, a presentation and assessment of the risks, an appraisal and a catalogue of measures.

Emergency plans for hospitals and residential care facilities must contain an appraisal that includes the following information:

• a plan showing the available first-aid resources,

• an escape route plan,

• an evacuation plan,

• a plan showing all access routes for ground assistance and rescue services and the location of any heliports, a fire alarm plan, a fire safety plan and fire regulations,

• a description of the composition and structure of the internal emergency command and control organisation, including in particular the names and telephone numbers of the competent fire safety officers,

• identification of the trained first-aiders and the health and safety officers, and

the names and telephone numbers of the available assistance and rescue organisations.

Deadlines Explanation of this section

The emergency plan must to be presented to the mayor within 3 months following the start of operations.

Procedure Explanation of this section

The emergency plan must be presented to the mayor within the prescribed period.

Required documents Explanation of this section

Emergency plan

Costs Explanation of this section



Competent authority Explanation of this section

Go to form Explanation of this section

A form is not provided in this case.


Authentification and signature

The application does not have to be signed electronically – using a mobile phone signature (Handy-Signatur) or E-ID – or by hand. In the event of doubt as to identity or authenticity, the authority may require evidence to be produced.

Additional information Explanation of this section

Emergency plans for hospitals and residential care facilities must ensure that internal structures for averting and dealing with disasters are established and that hospitals and residential care facilities are able to continue functioning for as long as possible, even in the event of a disaster. Emergency plans for hospitals and homes must contain a description of the building or complex that includes the following items of information: number of hospital beds or residential places; for hospitals, the minimum treatment capacity (immediate) and the maximum treatment capacity (at 45 minutes’ notice) for light, moderate and severe injuries; number of care staff; number of medical staff; number of other staff, particularly caretakers, porters, etc., and of staff on standby (doctors, carers and technicians); locations of any supply facilities (kitchens, kiosks); locations of any assembly areas; location of any gyms or therapy rooms; locations of any first-aid rooms; locations of any protected areas; plans of the hospital or residential care facility’s utility connections; location of any emergency access routes and heliports; details of any public address systems, in-house radio or television stations and other communication facilities; and details of any warning and alarm installations. The presentation of risks must include the points and areas where particular types of disaster, particularly those arising from fire, explosion, flood, mudslides, flood waves, avalanches, chemical hazards, radiation sources, rockslides and rockfalls, as well as disasters such as terrorist acts, pandemic and epidemics, are liable to occur and what potential risk level they pose. In particular, it must indicate which persons, parts of buildings and other facilities may be at risk from these types of disaster.

Legal basis Explanation of this section

Tyrolean Crisis and Disaster Management Act (Tiroler Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagementgesetz), Provincial Law Gazette (LGBl.) No 33/2006, last amended by LGBl. No 92/2021;


Emergency Plan Ordinance (Notfallplanverordnung), LGBl. No 16/2007


Legal remedies

No application procedure

Last update
