Natural cave guide – licence, recognition See explanation of the designation of:



Granting of a natural cave guide licence: information relating to nature conservation law

General information Explanation of this section

Unless otherwise provided in paragraph 9 below, only persons to whom the Provincial Government has granted a natural cave guide licence shall be entitled to guide persons in natural caves on a commercial basis (section 28a(1) of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act (Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz) 2005.

Requirements Explanation of this section

-      age of majority,

-      reliability,

-      physical and mental aptitude,

-      successful completion of a cave guides’ examination,

-      knowledge of first aid.

-      For native speakers of languages other than German: evidence of the requisite command of the German language (section 28a(2) of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act 2005)


Evidence of the required knowledge specified in the first sentence of section 28a(2) of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act 2005 shall also be deemed to have been provided if the training of the persons concerned is recognised in the EU Occupational Matters (Tyrol) Act (Tiroler EU-Berufsangelegenheiten-Gesetz), Provincial Law Gazette No 86/2015, as equivalent to the possession of that knowledge (section 28a of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act 2005).


EU citizens and nationals of States Parties to the EEA Agreement and of Switzerland shall be entitled to guide persons on a commercial basis temporarily and occasionally even without a natural cave guide’s licence if:

a)           they are lawfully established to practise an equivalent profession in another Member State of the European Union, in a State Party to the EEA Agreement, in Switzerland or in another province, and

b)           the profession or the training therefor is regulated within the meaning of Article 3(1)(a) and/or (e) of Directive 2005/36/EC, or else they have practised an equivalent profession in the state or province concerned for at least one year in the last 10 years.

Before starting to pursue the activity and at annual intervals thereafter, they shall notify the Provincial Government in writing that they intend to guide persons temporarily and occasionally in natural caves during the year in question.

This notification shall not be required if, in its place, a notification or communication is made to the Provincial Government under the relevant provisions of other federal provinces (section 28a(9) of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act 2005).

Deadlines Explanation of this section

None. Activity may not be commenced until the licence has been officially issued, if the notes under the heading ‘Requirements’ indicate that a licence is required.

Procedure Explanation of this section

Written application – verification that documentation is complete – investigation process (aptitude) – decision.

Required documents Explanation of this section

in duplicate:

-      a written application;

-      birth certificate (copy);

-      photograph in passport format;

-      criminal record certificate;

-      medical certificate;

-      evidence of a successfully completed cave guide examination, including a first-aid course;


-      where appropriate, presentation of a communication within the meaning of section 28a(9) of the Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act concerning temporary and occasional guiding;

-      where appropriate, application for recognition of the professional qualification in the context of the European integration process, including presentation of evidence of training in accordance with section 7 of the EU Occupational Matters (Tyrol) Act (

Costs Explanation of this section

-      Administrative charge: approval: EUR 45; rejection: no charge

-      Fees: Application fee: EUR 14.30; annexes: EUR 3.90 to EUR 21.80 per annex; any commission charges

-      other costs

Payment for costs arising is to be transferred after service of the decision.


Competent authority Explanation of this section


Authentification and signature

The application does not have to be signed electronically – using a mobile phone signature (Handy-Signatur) or E-ID – or by hand. 

Additional information Explanation of this section

After the official licence has been awarded, the natural cave guide is issued with a natural cave guide permit.

Legal basis Explanation of this section

Nature Conservation (Tyrol) Act (Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz) 2005:

EU Occupational Matters (Tyrol) Act (Tiroler EU-Berufsangelegenheiten-Gesetz) – the law regulating the recognition of professional qualifications in the context of the European integration process, the European Professional Card, administrative cooperation and proportionality checks prior to the enactment of regulations governing occupations:

Provincial Administrative Charges Ordinance (Landes-Verwaltungsabgabenverordnung) 2007:

Fees and Duties Act (Gebührengesetz):

General Administrative Procedure Act (Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz) 1991:

Legal remedies

Appeals against decisions of the competent authority may be lodged with the Provincial Administrative Court (Landesverwaltungsgericht). The appeal must specify the contested decision and the authority that issued it. It must contain a request and set out the grounds on which the allegation of illegality is based.

The appeal must be submitted in writing to the authority that issued the decision within 4 weeks of notification of this decision, and must contain information that makes it possible to assess its timeliness. The authority may issue a preliminary appeal decision. The appeal may be filed electronically: Beschwerde im Verwaltungsverfahren (Appeals in administrative proceedings).

Additional support and problem solving services

National Advice Centre for Vocational Qualifications (Nationales Beratungszentrum für Berufsqualifikationen)

Federal Minister of Labour and Economy (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft)

Mag. Irene Linke

Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien

Phone: +43 1 71100-805446


Last update
